ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 212 Citizen Ai: Warrior, Jester and Middleman

Author: William A. CALLAHAN
Publication Date: Jan / 2014
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: art, civil society, public intellectual, China, dissident, state


Ai Weiwei is famous for crossing boundaries, especially the boundary between art and politics. To appreciate the often contradictory nature of Ai’s work, this essay employs multiple narratives: “Ai the Heroic Warrior” who criticizes the Chinese government, “Ai the Court Jester” who plays with the Chinese state and Western media, and “Ai the Middleman” who acts as a broker between China and the West and between civil society and the state in the PRC. The essay concludes that a fourth narrative can bring together these three stories in an multicoded understanding of Ai’s work: “Ai the Citizen Intellectual” who sometimes works with the state, and at other times against it—but always for the good of China. “Citizen intellectual” also tells us about a broader movement of activists and public intellectuals who are building civil society in China’s rapidly changing political context.