ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 237 Filling in the Marginal Lands: Population Deconcentration in Southeast Asia, 1960s-2000s

Author: PHAM Thanh Hai & Rodolphe De KONINCK
Publication Date: Sep / 2015
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore


During and shortly after the colonial period, in their writings on Southeast Asia a number of geographers and social scientists – including Dumont (1935), Gourou (1936 and 1953), Robequain (1946 and 1958), Dobby (1960), Geertz (1963), Burling (1965), Fisher (1966) and Spencer (1966) – emphasized the disequilibrium in population distribution throughout most of the region, pointing out the high densities in several lowland areas and the generally low densities in marginal uplands.