ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 45 Performing in the 2004 Indonesian Elections

Author: Jennifer LINDSAY
Publication Date: Jul / 2005
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: Indonesia, Elections, Campaigns, Performers, Artists, Celebrities, Performance

Garin Nugroho’s short film on the 2004 Indonesian legislative elections, The Fear Factor, follows dangdut performers in Yogyakarta during the campaign, as they perform for one political party rally after another, changing their costumes to match the colours of the party concerned. A rally performance was, for these artists, just another gig – and political parties were treated just like any sponsor. This contrasts with 1999, when many such artists declared their personal political affiliation through supporting only one party, or during the New Order, when performers were coerced into openly supporting Golkar. But at the same time, in the 2004 elections, particularly the presidential elections, celebrities affiliated with their chosen candidates.

This paper looks at some of the interactions between performers and politicians in Indonesia, including politicians performing as artists and artists performing as politicians. What does this suggest? A healthy awareness of politics in Indonesia today, or as Garin’s documentary hints, a dangerous game?

Full text is not available, this working paper is withdrawn, as it has now been published as a chapter in  ‘Margaret Kartomi (ed.)’ The Year of Voting Frequently, Monash Asia Institute, Melbourne, 2005.