ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 48 Calibrated coercion and the maintenance of hegemony in Singapore

Author: Cherian GEORGE
Publication Date: Sep / 2005
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: Singapore, press controls, calibrated coercion, media, internet, People’s Action Party, Lee Kuan Yew


Studies of hegemonic domination, even in authoritarian states, have tended to focus on ideology and consensus, treating coercion as a straightforward matter that does not need to be problematised. This essay attempts to redress the balance, arguing that states have a range of repressive tools at their disposal, which they need to use intelligently if they are to maintain their hegemony. Self-restrained, calibrated coercion is that which represses challengers with minimum political cost. Calibrated coercion is illustrated through an in-depth case study of press controls in Singapore, where one of the world’s most successful hegemonic parties has governed continuously for four decades.