ARI Working Paper Series

WPS 95 A Historical Overview of Political Transition in Myanmar Since 1988

Author: MAUNG Aung Myoe
Publication Date: Aug / 2007
Publisher: Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
Keywords: Myanmar, Burma, Tatmadaw, elections, SPDC, Southeast Asian politics


The issue of political transition in Myanmar has generated scholarly interest and debate on the nature and outcomes of the whole process. This paper provides a historical overview of the political transition process in Myanmar since 1988. It highlights the missed opportunities and argues that the Tatmadaw’s (Myanmar armed forces) position on the political transition in Myanmar has changed from a bystander to a key player. This paper studies the political circumstances that led to the holding of the National Convention and drafting of a new constitution in Myanmar. It also examines the nature of the political executive that the new constitution will produce for Myanmar in future.