Asian Migration


The Asian Migration cluster maintains research interest in a broad range of human migrations, mobilities and interconnectivities within and beyond Asia. The cluster has four priority research themes:

  1. The first focuses on the material processes and discourses of globalisation and transnationalism as they intersect in Asian cities. This includes exploring new knowledge frameworks through which to understand the complex and diverse linkages between global change and transnational migration in cities of diversity.
  2. The second research theme investigates the relationship between human aspiration, migration and development in Southeast Asia, with a focus on the development impact of migration in sending communities as well as the costs and risks of migration for the poor.
  3. A third research theme highlights the organisation and constitution of transnational (im)mobility as a means of (re)conceptualising different mobile practices, temporalities and rationalities that characterise people on the move in Asia. This theme gives weight to the role of migration brokerage and migration infrastructure in organizing and facilitating mobility.
  4. Our fourth theme examines the nexus between transnational migration and ageing, and gives special consideration to how care is provisioned for or provided by older adults in the context of care circulations and rapid population ageing.

Brenda S.A. YEOH FBA
Asia Research Institute & Department of Geography