coronAsur - a Research blog: Top 5 most read posts in September

Impact of COVID-19 on the Life of Urban Buddhists in Thailand

COVID-19 is no doubt a huge global health crisis. According to WHO, Thailand was the second country after China to have registered a COVID-19 case. Buddhist monks and local temples play a central role in towns and villages across Thailand. Monks engage with the community on a daily basis, while temples (each led by a chief monk) are often the institution people turn to when they feel anxious or troubled.

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Do the Gods Have COVID-19 Too?: Protecting Idols, Cherishing Deities

“Do the gods also have the Coronavirus? Doctors diagnose in person”, reads the headline of a Tamil newspaper article about the Jagannath temple in Uttar Pradesh (UP), India. Under the orders of the monk-cum-chief-minister of the state, doctors are seen holding a stethoscope to listen to the internal sounds of  a statue, and to search for the heartbeat of stone.

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Prayers, Protocols and Pandemics, Part 2: Crowdsourcing without Crowds and the ‘New Normal’ of Religious Ethnography in Singapore after the Seventh Month Festivities

Previously, I have sketched out the broad contours of how popular interpretations and outlooks held by Singaporeans of the seventh lunar month have fed into, and also informed concerns and worldviews associated with the second phase of Singapore’s re-opening from the Circuit Breaker (CB) in June.

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The Pandemic and Shifting Practices of Islamic Charity

The Covid-19 pandemic has led to a shift in the practices of Muslim communities and Islamic charitable organizations in Indonesia. The pandemic not only has forced them to improve their fundraising methods but has also encouraged a jurisprudential review in charitable management and distribution to follow a more effective, safe and beneficial strategy in mitigating the spread of Covid-19.

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Catholic Liturgical Televisuality in the Time of Pandemic

On the Catholic Church’s commemoration of World Communication Sunday last May 24, 2020, the Philippines marked day 69 of the state’s enhanced community quarantine (the strictest form of quarantine enforced in high risk places), which started on March 15. Expected to end by May 30, it is said to be longer than the lockdown enforced in Wuhan, China, once the ground zero of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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