Social Indicators Research – Special Issue: Educational Resilience in Adversity among Asian Children (Vol. 145, Issue 2)
Given that most of the resilient literature tends to focus on Western contexts, and the western-based research may have limited applications for policy and preventions in Asia, this issue attempts to examine educational resilience in Asian or Eastern societies to complement the wealth of research in the western-based research. In Asia, a large number of …
Social Identities – Special Issue: Mixed Race in Southeast Asia and Australasia: Race, Nation, Identity and Belonging (Vol. 25, Issue 3)
Visions of a cosmopolitan, melting pot world, where races and cultures are blended and intermixed to produce hybrid cultures and ‘coffee coloured people’, are common in both popular culture and academic theorizing. Despite the theoretical messiness of the concept of race, ‘mixed race’ itself is an increasingly popular area of study in the social sciences, …
WPS 269 Britain’s India, India’s Britain: Self-Other Relations after Empire
How have Britain and India constituted each other after empire? This paper presents the preliminary results of an analysis of British and Indian national identity discourses from 1950 to 2001. The findings are as follows: first, there has been no single prevailing image of the UK in India or of India in the UK but …
WPS 269 Britain’s India, India’s Britain: Self-Other Relations after Empire Read More »
Social Science and Medicine – Special Issue: Contextualizing Productive Aging in Asia (Vol. 229)
Population aging in Asia has been testing and shaping societal capacities, welfare resources and sustainability of intergenerational support. Based on the theoretical framework of productive aging (focusing on older adults’ labor participation, caregiving, volunteering and other social activities), Pei-Chun Ko and Wei-Jun Jean Yeung edited special journal issue- Contextualizing Productive Aging in Asia in Social …
Journal of South East Asia Research – Area Studies and the Crisis of Legitimacy: A View from South East Asia (Vol. 27, Issue 1)
In this paper, we set out Area Studies’ ‘crisis of legitimacy’, focusing on South East Asia. We distil this crisis down to three broad areas: ‘weak rules’ (the absence of an intellectual core), ‘hard borders’ (in the context of globalization) and ‘ancestral sin’ (Area Studies’ origins in the global North). We then use these as …
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies – Special Issue: Migration and Marriage in Asian Contexts (Vol. 46 Issue 14)
The papers show that Asian marriage migrants’ experience of integration and assimilation are complex, nuanced, and heterogeneous across migrants’ sociodemographic backgrounds, ethnic profiles, and political contexts. The heterogeneities in Asian marriage migrants’ assimilation trajectories challenge the classic assimilation theory which assumes an unilinear integration trajectory in all relevant aspects. This issue diversifies the academic discourses …
Journal of Intercultural Studies – Special Issue: Mobile Aspirations? Youth Im/mobilities in the Asia Pacific (Vol. 39, No. 6)
The papers in this issue reveal that mobility can reinscribe the normative markers of successful adulthood, or make them harder to reach, creating various frictions and suspensions. Yet mobility can also become a vehicle through which young people actively adjourn life-course expectations or aspire towards alternative routes and possibilities. Both normative and ‘alternative’ aspirations and …