Food Politics and Society


NameResearch Area
A/Prof DAVIDSON, JamieCluster Leader of Food Politics and Society - Comparative politics of Southeast Asia, Ethnic violence, Infrastructure politics, Food/rice politics, Indigenous peoples movements, Comparative politics, Regulation and governance, Development politics, Land politics
Dr LI, ShumengMarket Institution; Consumption; Agrarian change; Knowledge; China
Dr BURKE, KathleenFood history; Global Asia; Histories from below; Gender; Empires
Dr GRAHAM, ColumAgrarian studies; state-society relations; political economy; Indonesia; Southeast Asia
Dr SOH, EmilyFood system transitions; System transition theories; Political ecology of food systems; Social justice and equity theories and applications


NameDepartment and Organisation
A/Prof Jacob RICKSDivision of Political Science, Singapore Management Univerisity
A/Prof LEE Seung-JoonDepartment of History, National University of Singapore
A/Prof Lyle FEARNLEYDepartment of Education, Singapore University of Technology and Design
A/Prof Marvin Joseph F. MONTEFRIODepartment of Social Science (Environmental Studies), Yale-NUS College
A/Prof Qian Forrest ZHANG Department of Sociology, Singapore Management University
A/Prof ZHAN ShaohuaDepartment of Sociology, National Technological University
Snr Asst Prof Merlin F. FRANCOThe Institute of Asian Studies, Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Asst Prof Anthony D. MEDRANODepartment of Social Science (Environmental Studies), Yale-NUS College
Asst Prof Sudatta RAYDepartment of Social Science (Environmental Studies), Yale-NUS College
Asst Prof W. Nathan GREENDepartment of Geography, National University of Singapore
Dr HUANG Lingli Department of Sociology and Anthropology, National University of Singapore
Dr KIM Hyejin Department of Political Science, National University of Singapore
Dr Veronica L. GREGORIODepartment of Sociology and Anthropology, National University of Singapore

Former Members

NameResearch Area and Topics / Organisation While at ARI