Science, Technology and Society


The Science, Technology and Society (STS) Research Cluster studies the inter-relationships between those three domains, especially in the context of Asia. STS is a research programme which began in the late 1960s, and is now conducted at more than a hundred institutions around the world. NUS has one of the largest concentrations of faculty in Asia researching STS themes, and working on both global and regional scales. Some of our traditional strengths lie in the history and philosophy of science & technology, interactive & digital media studies, the social and cultural study of biotechnology and biomedicine, and urban technologies, although we are not restricted to these interests.

The cluster is currently focusing on research themes at the intersections of STS and the environment. Our recent and current projects explore i) climate change and the technopolitics of adaptation and mitigation; ii) digital models and the datafication of environments; iii) energy (transitions), infrastructure and space; iv) planetary health and ‘Asian medicines’; v) environmental disaster-STS. 

Jiat Hwee CHANG
Asia Research Institute & Department of Architecture