Science, Technology and Society


(De)Carbonizing Asia: Histories and Futures of Energy, Space, and Infrastructure

PI & Co-PI(s): Chang Jiat Hwee & Stefan Huebner
Collaborator(s): Fathun Karib, Seohyun Park, Dorothy Tang & Kenneth Tay
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund (Collaborative Research)
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Treating Lifestyle Disease Infodemics: Building Trust within the Clinical Encounter

PI & Co-PI(s): Eric Kerr
Collaborator(s): Kathryn Muyskens, Chong Foong-Fong Mary, Gregory Clancey, M. Prakash Hande, Bimlesh Wadhwa, Zhang Weiyu & Jane Lim
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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History & Sustainability of Animal-Based Drugs in Asian Traditional Medicines

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey & L. Roman Carrasco
Collaborator(s): Liz P.Y. Chee, Stefan Huebner, Kathryn Muyskens, Sabina Insebayeva, Chang Che-chia, Chheang Vannarith, C. Michele Thompson & Amy Hinsley
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Climate Governance of Nature-based Carbon Sinks in Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): David Taylor, Koh Lian Pin & Miles Kenney-Lazar
Collaborator(s): Daniel Friess, Dixon Gevaña, Janice Lee, Melissa Low, Max Lupascu, Daniel Marks, Alberto Salvo, Simon Tay, Prayoto Tonoto, Helena Varkkey, Darren Chong Jinn Yeo, Lahiru Wijedasa, Andrew Jackson & Sithong Thongmanivong
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Social Science and Humanities Research Thematic Grant
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Digital Twin Models: A Comparative Approach to Global Methods

PI & Co-PI(s): Farzin Lotfi-Jam & Chaewon Ahn
Collaborator(s): Connor Graham, Chang Jiat Hwee, Rudi Stouffs, Flip Biljecki, Yi-Chieh Lee & Steven Jackson
Funding Agency: Cornell-NUS Global Strategic Collaboration Awards
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Follow the Code: Urban Models and Resilient Future

PI & Co-PI(s): Chaewon Ahn, Connor Graham, Chang Jiat Hwee & Rudi Stouffs
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Heat in Urban Asia: Past, Present, and Future

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey, Fiona Williamson & Chang Jiat-Hwee
Collaborator(s): Winston Chow, Bertrand Timbal, Peter Schoppert, Feng Yi Kang, Mark Wong, Christopher Courtney, Amita Baviskar, Awadhendra Bhushan, Krishna Mirle Achutarao, Johnny C L Chan, Ashawari Chaudhuri, Dongxin Zou, Liz Chee, Gregory Bankoff, Simon Marvin, Madlen Kobi, Danny Marks, Aalok Khandekar & Nausheen Anwar
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Heat in Urban Asia: Past, Present, and Future (2017)

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey, Fiona Williamson, Winston Chow, Chang Jiat-Hwee, Chris Courtney & Johnny Chan
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Internet Life & Lore in Southeast Asia: Histories, Mythologies & Materialities

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey, Connor Graham, Eric Kerr & Aieshah Arif
Collaborator(s): Celine Coderey, Crystal Abidin, Hallam Stevens, John W P Philips, Nancey Mauro-Flude, Sarah-Tabea Sammel & Song Dong Hyun
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Folklore and Digital Technology in (South) East Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey
Collaborator(s): Connor Graham, Eric Kerr, John Phillips, Mike Fischer, Crystal Abidin & Natalie Pang
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Digital Living and Dying in (South) East Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Connor Graham, Eric Kerr, Alfred Montoya, Jolynna Sinanan & Crystal Abidin
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Governing Compound Disasters in Urbanizing Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Michael Douglass & Gregory Clancey
Collaborator(s): Rita Padawangi, Michelle Ann Miller, Jerome Whitington, Eric Kerr, Robert Wasson, Caroline Brassard, Lisa Onaga, Sulfikar Amir & Earl Tyson Vaughn
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Culture and Cognition

PI & Co-PI(s): Philip Cho
Funding Agency: Fetzer Franklin Trust & Asia Research Institute
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Death, Grieving and Memorialization in a Broadband-Enabled Society

PI & Co-PI(s): Martin Gibbs, Michael Arnold, Connor Graham & Tamara Kohn
Funding Agency: Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society & University of Melbourne
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Mapping the Technological and Cultural Landscape of Scientific Development in Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Philip Cho
Funding Agency: Global Asia Institute, NUS & Asia Research Institute
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Asian Biopoleis: Biotech & Biomedicine as Emergent Forms of Life and Practice

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey & Ryan Bishop
Collaborator(s): Edison Liu, John Phillips. Catelijne Coopmans, John DiMoia, Axel Gelfert, Denisa Kera, Karen Winzoski, Philip Cho, Connor Graham, Alfred Montoya, Michael M. J. Fischer & Venni Venkata Krishna
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2 & Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Wallace Online

PI & Co-PI(s): John van Wyhe
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Impacting Economy and Society: Role of Universities in Asia-Pacific

PI & Co-PI(s): Venni Venkata Krishna & Seeram Ramakrishna
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India and China: Scientific Communities to Innovation Systems

PI & Co-PI(s): Venni Venkata Krishna
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Research and Innovation Policies: India

PI & Co-PI(s): Venni Venkata Krishna
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Fabrications: Technology, Masculinity, and Architectural Modernism

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey
Funding Agency: NUS Faculty Research Grant
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