Asian Migration


NameResearch Area
Prof YEOH FBA, BrendaCluster Leader of Asian Migration - Politics of Pace in Colonial and Postcolonial Cities, Cosmopolitanism and Urban Diversity, Transnationalism and Diasporas, Skilled Migration and Student Mobilities, Gender, Social Reproduction, and Care Migration, International Marriage Migration in Asia
Prof HO, Elaine Lynn-EeTransnational Ageing and Care Ethics in the Asia-Pacific, African Student Migration to China, Border Mobilities Between Myanmar and China
Dr LOH, BerniceTransnational Families, Youth, Youth Identities, Social Resilience, Gender, Social Inequality, Mixed Marriages
Dr TAN, Qian HuiQueer and feminist theory; gender; sexuality; embodiment; circular economy; sustainability; waste
Dr LAM, Theodora Choy FongTransnational Migration, Population, Gender, Geographical Education
Dr WANG, YangICT Domestication and Mediated Intimacy, Education Migration in Asia, Transnational Householding and Female Migrants
Dr LEE, Kris HyesooTransnationalism; Inward and Outward Mobilities in Asia; Critical Approaches to Migration
Dr YANG, WeiLabour Migration from China to Singapore; Temporary Migration Regimes in Asia; Gender, Social Reproduction and Citizenship; Migrant Subjectivity and Intimacy; Transnational Families and Marriage Migration; Immigrant Parenting and Integration; Global Social Inequalities
Ms ACEDERA, Kristel AnneTransnational Families, Mediated Intimacies, Communication Technologies, Long-distance Marriages, Gendered Affective Structures
Ms RAHADINI, AsaDiaspora Politics, Transnationalism, Precarious Labour (specifically in Indonesia, and/or pertaining to Indonesians).
Ms MORAIS, Franchesca RoseMigration Trajectories, Transnational Migration, Family Dynamics, Mobility Regimes, Citizenship
Dr DINKELAKER, Eva SamiaLabor migration regimes in Asia; migrant worker subjectivities; migration, labour processes, and gender relations


NameDepartment and Organisation
Prof Gungwu WANGEast Asian Institute, National University of Singapore
A/Prof Eric THOMPSONDepartment of Sociology and Anthropology, National University of Singapore
A/Prof Kong Chong HODivision of Social Science, Yale-NUS College
A/Prof Sidharthan MAUNAGURUSouth Asian Studies Programme, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof Junjia YESchool of Social Sciences, Nanyang Technological University
Asst Prof Loïs BASTIDEMCF en Sociologie, Université de la Polynésie
Asst Prof Weiqiang LINDepartment of Geography, National University of Singapore
Asst Prof Yasmin ORTIGASchool of Social Sciences, Singapore Management University
Dr Sahana GHOSHDepartment of Sociology and Anthropology, National University of Singapore
Dr Yi'En CHENGIntersection across education, youth, and mobilities in Asian cities
Dr Chand SOMAIAHDivision of Social Science, Yale-NUS College

Former Members

NameResearch Area and Topics / Organisation While at ARI
Prof Ann BROOKSCultural Theory and Cultural Economy in an Asian Context, Contemporary Social Theory and its Application within an Asian Context, The Interrelationship between Cultural Economy, Consumption and The State in Asia and The US
Prof Anthony D'COSTAMovement of Asian Talent to Japan, Adjusting to Globalization: Japan and the Mobility of Asian Technical Talent
Prof Denise L SPITZER Gendered Health Implications Experienced by Rural to Urban Migrants Who Work as Beer Sellers in Thailand, Cambodia, and Laos
Prof Gracia LIU-FARRER Immigrant and Japanese Employees’ Experiences of Globalising Japanese Firms
Prof Margaret WALTON-ROBERTSGender and the International Migration of Health Care Professionals
Prof Michele GAMBURD Transnationalism, Globalisation, Migration, The Anthropology of Violence and Disaster Recovery, in South Asia and Primarily in Sri Lanka
Prof Nicole CONSTABLE Migration and Mobilities, The Commodification of Intimacy, Gender, Sexuality and Reproductive Labor
Prof Parvati RAGHURAMMigration, Gender, Skills, Education and Care
Prof Philip Anthony ROZARIO Gerontology, specifically in the area of the well-being of family caregiving and frail older adults, The Impact of Policies on the Well-Being of Older Adults and Their Families and Different Experiences of Aging
Prof Rachel Margaret SILVEY Cultural and Economic Politics of Development, Inequalities of Labor Migration, the Role of States in Shaping Local and Transnational Spaces of Work, Migration, and Development
Prof Richard BARICHELLOTrade Policy, World Food Markets, Southeast Asia Labour Markets, Cost-Benefit Analysis
Prof Susanne Yuk Ping CHOI Gender, Family, Health, Migration, Transitional Justice
Dr Anjeline DE DIOSInterfaces Between Performance, Meditation and Participatory Music-Making
Dr Arunima DATTASouth Asian Migrant Communities in Malaysia and Singapore
Dr Linda Rae BENNETT Gender, Sexuality, Biological and Social Reproduction, Reproductive and Sexual Health and Rights, Gender-Based Violence
Dr Bernardo BROWNForms of Religiosity that Emerge in Transnational Contexts and the Encounter of Different World Christian Traditions
Dr Jenny Tuen Yi CHIUMale Marriage Migration, the Role of the State in Cross-Border Families in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore, Global Householding, Transnational Elderly and Child Care Arrangements
Dr Joowon YUKDiversity and Cultural Policy Development, Migration and Citizenship, the Cultural Politics of Race, Gender and Class, National/Transnational Identities, Dynamics of Cultural Memory, and Social Movements and Subcultures
Dr Lue FANGQuantitative and Qualitative Mixed Methods, Psychometric Measurement and Children’s Developmental Outcomes
Dr Malini SURPartition Histories, Transnational Flows, and Emerging Political Formations at Militarized Borders, with a Focus on South Asia
Dr Maria PLATTGendered Labour Migration, Migration in Colonial and Post-Colonial Contexts, Politics of Intimacy and International Labour Migration, Transnational Relationships; sexual and reproductive health
Dr Michiel BAAS Mid-level Skilled Migration from India to Singapore
Dr Ravinder SIDHUEducation-Related Migration, the Sociology of Higher Education, Comparative and International Education
Dr Sallie YEAAnthropology of Development Applied Sociology, Program Evaluation and Social Impact Assessment Asian security Asylum SeeHuman Rights and Justice Issues, Human Security, Immigrant women, Migrants in Australia, Migration, Social and Cultural Geography, Social and cultural implications of Climate Change
Dr Samantha Shu Fang LIMUrban Aspirations, Capacity to Aspire, Navigational Strategies, (Internal/International) Migration, Collaborative Actions, Comparative Urbanism, Belt and Road Initiative (BRI)
Dr Shanthi ROBERTSONSocial and Cultural Consequences of Globalisation, Particularly in the Asia-Pacific region, with a Specific Focus on Migration, Mobilities, Citizenship, Cultural Diversity and Urban Contexts
Dr Shiori SHAKUTOIntimate Social Relations in Japan and Inter-Asian Mobility
Dr Silvia Mila ARLINIMacroeconomic issues to social economic and policy Issues, including human capital development related to population, migration, employment and also education
Dr Sylvia ANGTransnational Labour Migrants, Cultural Racism, Co-Ethnicity, Intersectionality, Post-Colonialism, Ethnography and Digital Ethnography
Dr Tabea BORK-HÜFFERChanging Geographies of Migration, Health and Urban Spaces in the 21st Century
Dr Tina SHRESTHATransnational Migration, Bureaucracy and Brokerage, Legal Humanitarianism, Critical Refugee Studies
Dr Wen-Ching TINGMigration and Social Changes, Mobility, Displacement, Place-Making, Borderlands, Aid and Development
Ms Charmian Jia Min GOHMigrant Brokers, Migrant Domestic Work, Labour Migration Governance
Ms Chiu Yee KOH Irregular migration, particularly human trafficking, Labour Migration, Forced Migration
Ms Choon Yen KHOOLabour Migration from/within Indonesia and Southeast Asia, Gender and Migration, Return Migration
Mr Jian An LIEWIntersections between Migrant Mobilities, Class/Skills (‘middling’), Race/Ethnicity (‘Chinese’) and Space/Place in the Contexts of Singapore and London
Mr Jun Hao WANGTransnational Ageing, Return Migration in Later Life, Visual Anthropology (Methods), Deathcare Industry and End-of-life Planning, Burial Sites and Supernatural Belief Systems; Emotions, Catharsis and, Self-Narrative
Ms Kellynn WEELow-waged Labour Migration in Asia, Brokerage within the Migration Industry, Migrant Advocacy and Civil Society, Credit, Debt, and Risk, Gender, intimacy, emotions, and the Body
Ms Rohini ANANTLabour Geographies, Labour Politics, Politics of Labouring Identities
Ms Xi Wen Vanessa Swinn YAPElective Affinities Between State Capitalism and the Pastoral Doctrine of New Creation Church – one of Singapore’s largest evangelical churches