

Singapore’s Entanglement in the Energy Transition. Challenges and Potentials for a Regional, Just Transition.

PI & Co-PI(s): Naomi C. Hanakata
Collaborator(s): Filip Biljecki & Hiromi Inagaki
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Business Networks in a Global City: Chinese Merchants’ Records in Singapore since the Late 19th Century

PI & Co-PI(s): Yu Kang
Funding Agency: National Heritage Board Heritage Research Grant
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(De)Carbonizing Asia: Histories and Futures of Energy, Space, and Infrastructure

PI & Co-PI(s): Chang Jiat Hwee & Stefan Huebner
Collaborator(s): Fathun Karib, Seohyun Park, Dorothy Tang & Kenneth Tay
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund (Collaborative Research)
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Heritage Diplomacy Futures in Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Tim Winter, Maitrii Aung-Thwin & Yang Yang
Collaborator(s): Naoko Shimazu, Ryoko Nakano & Sabina Insebayeva
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Framing Migration: The Role of Religious Actors in the Production of International Law

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean (NUS PI) & Paul-André Rosental (Sciences Po PI)
Funding Agency: Paris-NUS Grant
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Capitals of the Future: Place, Power and Possibility in Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Daniel Goh PS & Tim Bunnell
Collaborator(s): Lee Kah-Wee & Nick Smith
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Chinese Voluntary Associations in Transition: China’s Rise and the Remaking of Ancestral Communities in Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean & Ian Chong
Collaborator(s): Khun Eng Kuah, Orlando Woods, Wong Sin Kiong, Ying Ruo Show, Danny Wong Tze-Ken, Ngeow Chow-Bing, Emily Hertzman, Kwee Hui Kian & Charlotte Setijadi
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Treating Lifestyle Disease Infodemics: Building Trust within the Clinical Encounter

PI & Co-PI(s): Eric Kerr
Collaborator(s): Kathryn Muyskens, Chong Foong-Fong Mary, Gregory Clancey, M. Prakash Hande, Bimlesh Wadhwa, Zhang Weiyu & Jane Lim
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Dancing Ecologies in the Asia-Pacific: Negotiating Identities through Dance in the Context of Change and Dispossession

PI & Co-PI(s): Céline Coderey
Collaborator(s): Aparna R Nambiar, Alvin Eng Hui Lim, Roslynn Ang, Liang Peilin, Maiya Murphy, Miguel Escobar Varela & Amin Farid
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Reconstructing and Rediscovering Kampong Heritage through Local Chinese Temples

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean & Wu Qi
Funding Agency: National Heritage Board Heritage Research Grant
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History & Sustainability of Animal-Based Drugs in Asian Traditional Medicines

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey & L. Roman Carrasco
Collaborator(s): Liz P.Y. Chee, Stefan Huebner, Kathryn Muyskens, Sabina Insebayeva, Chang Che-chia, Chheang Vannarith, C. Michele Thompson & Amy Hinsley
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Climate Governance of Nature-based Carbon Sinks in Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): David Taylor, Koh Lian Pin & Miles Kenney-Lazar
Collaborator(s): Daniel Friess, Dixon Gevaña, Janice Lee, Melissa Low, Max Lupascu, Daniel Marks, Alberto Salvo, Simon Tay, Prayoto Tonoto, Helena Varkkey, Darren Chong Jinn Yeo, Lahiru Wijedasa, Andrew Jackson & Sithong Thongmanivong
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Social Science and Humanities Research Thematic Grant
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Plastic Waste and Women’s Household Practices in Asia and Australia

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh FBA & Natalie Pang
Collaborator(s): Shiori Shakuto & David Reynolds
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Archiving the Underclasses: Knowledge, Law, and Everyday Agency in Modern Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Maitrii Victoriano Aung-Thwin, Matthew Reeder, George Radics, Ho Chi Tim, Koh Keng We, Simon Creak & Elliott Prasse-Freeman
Collaborator(s): Kwa Chong Guan & Samson Lim
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Belt and Road Initiative and Student-Mobilities in China-Southeast Asia (BRISM)

PI & Co-PI(s): Ho Kong Chong & Brenda S.A. Yeoh FBA
Collaborator(s): Cho Hichang, Johanna Waters, Koh Sin Yee, Ravinder Sidhu, Rochelle Ge Yun, Yang Peidong, Yi'En Cheng & Chen Caijian
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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South-South Migration and Migrant Food Insecurity: Interactions, Impacts, and Remedies (MiFOOD Project)

Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC)
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Two Steps, Triple Wins and Bus Stops: A Comparative Analysis of Skilled Migration Systems in Canada, Germany and Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Margaret Walton-Roberts, Danièle Bélanger, Ivy Bourgeault, Sharon Chia, Felicitas Hillmann, Colin Robertson & Brenda S.A. Yeoh
Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)
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Transnationalism and Diaspora: Enhancing Demography’s Contribution to Migration and Development

PI & Co-PI(s): Yan Tan, Andrew Rosser, Fei Guo & Brenda S.A. Yeoh
Funding Agency: Australian Research Council
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Child Health and Migrant Parents in Southeast Asia (CHAMPSEA)

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Elspeth Graham & Lucy Jordan
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2 with supplementary funding from Hong Kong Research Grants Council through its General Research Fund and Social Science and Humanities Research Council Partnership Grant on “Gender, Migration, and the Work of Care” (CHAMPSEA Wave 2), & The Wellcome Trust (CHAMPSEA Wave 1)
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Digital Twin Models: A Comparative Approach to Global Methods

PI & Co-PI(s): Farzin Lotfi-Jam & Chaewon Ahn
Collaborator(s): Connor Graham, Chang Jiat Hwee, Rudi Stouffs, Flip Biljecki, Yi-Chieh Lee & Steven Jackson
Funding Agency: Cornell-NUS Global Strategic Collaboration Awards
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Mapping Middle Road: Prewar Japanese Community in Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Clay Eaton, Naoko Shimazu & Lee Chee Keng
Funding Agency: National Heritage Board Heritage Research Grant
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Follow the Code: Urban Models and Resilient Future

PI & Co-PI(s): Chaewon Ahn, Connor Graham, Chang Jiat Hwee & Rudi Stouffs
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Ageing Immigrants and Integration Over the Life Course in Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Elaine Ho Lynn-Ee & Brenda S.A. Yeoh FBA
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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A Study on Cross-National Families in Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh FBA, Khoo Lin Zhi Bernice, Esther Goh & Theodora Lam
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ISAC: Initiative for the Study of Asian Catholics

PI & Co-PI(s): Michel Chambon & Bernardo E. Brown
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UWCSEA-APP Partnership

PI & Co-PI(s): Kishore Mahbubani
Funding Agency: United World College of South East Asia
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Bolstering Partnerships to Study the Impact of China’s Belt and Road

PI & Co-PI(s): Edward Schatz, Rachel Silvey, Brenda S.A. Yeoh FBA & Neil Collins
Funding Agency: Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada & Centre for European, Russian, and Eurasian Studies, University of Toronto
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Linking the Digital Humanities to Biodiversity History in Singapore and Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Anthony Medrano, Stefan Huebner, Darren C.J. Yeo, Lily Chen & Cheng Ean Lee
Collaborator(s): Paul Smith, Huism Tan, Ronald Milne, Chen-Chieh Feng & Cynthia Zayas
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Social Science and Humanities Research Thematic Grant
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Chinese Epigraphy of Singapore: United Temples 1974-2021

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean, Hue Guan Thye, Caroline Chia & Xue Yiran
Funding Agency: Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
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Cohesion, Community Care and Confidence in Singaporean Chinese Temples and Associations and Other Asian Religious Institutions: The Impacts of Globalisation and Religious Responses to the Coronavirus Pandemic

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean & Manimaran Pushpanatan
Funding Agency: Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth
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Living with Covid-19 in Southeast Asia: Personal and Visual Experiences of Crisis, Control and Community

PI & Co-PI(s): Gerard McCarthy, Naoko Shimazu & Yang Yang
Funding Agency: ARI Research Grant (Collaborative)
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International Student Mobility in a Time of COVID-19: Regimes, Experiences and Aspirations

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Yi'En Cheng & Yang Peidong
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Chinese Huiguan and the Re-making of Ancestral Communities in Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean & Ningning Chen
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 1
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Governing Diverse Cities in Europe and Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Ho Kong Chong, Camille Schmoll, Marie Gilbert-Flutre & Delphine Pages El Karoui
Funding Agency: Université de Paris & National University of Singapore (UParis NUS Joint Research Project Grant)
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Healthcare and ‘Foodwork’ among Foreign Domestic Workers and their Left-behind Children in Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh FBA & Theodora Lam
Funding Agency: NUS-Global Asia Institute NIHA (NUS Initiative to Improve Health in Asia) Research Grant
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Climate Governance of Carbon Sinks in Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): David Taylor & Michelle Ann Miller
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Mapping Female Religious Heritage in Singapore: Chinese Female Temples as Sites of Regional Socio-Cultural Linkage (19th Century to the Present)

PI & Co-PI(s): Show Ying Ruo & Kenneth Dean
Funding Agency: National Heritage Board Heritage Research Grant
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Singapore Ecological History Map

PI & Co-PI(s): Stefan Huebner
Collaborator(s): Kenneth Dean
Funding Agency: ARI Research Grant (Collaborative)
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Datuk Spirits in the City of a Thousand Temples: Chinese Indonesian Spirit-medium Practices and Ethnic Politics in Singkawang, West Kalimantan

PI & Co-PI(s): Emily Hertzman
Funding Agency: Collaborative Research Fund of the Hong Kong Research Grants Council (C7052-18G)
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Capitals of the Future, Then and Now: Singapore and Southeast Asia’s Planned Administrative Centres

PI & Co-PI(s): Tim Bunnell, Nicholas Smith, Maitrii Aung-Thwin & Daniel Goh
Collaborator(s): Jessica Clendenning
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Smart Cities in Global Comparative Perspective: Worlding and Provincializing Relationships

PI & Co-PI(s): Bryon Miller & Tim Bunnell
Funding Agency: Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada – Partnering Development Grants
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CoronoAsur: Religion and Covid-19

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean, Carola Lorea, Fabian Graham, Nan Ouyang, Natalie Lang, Ning Ning Chen, Ying Ruo Show, Alicia Chan, Emily Hertzman & Erica M. Larson
Funding Agency: Asia Research Institute, NUS & Yap Kim Hao Memorial Fund for Comparative Religious Studies at Yale-NUS College, Singapore
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Songs of the Old Madmen: Recovering Baul Songs from the Notebooks of the 19th and 20th Century Bengalis Saint-Composers

PI & Co-PI(s): Carola Lorea
Funding Agency: Endangered Archives Programme (EAP1247), British Library
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Heat in Urban Asia: Past, Present, and Future

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey, Fiona Williamson & Chang Jiat-Hwee
Collaborator(s): Winston Chow, Bertrand Timbal, Peter Schoppert, Feng Yi Kang, Mark Wong, Christopher Courtney, Amita Baviskar, Awadhendra Bhushan, Krishna Mirle Achutarao, Johnny C L Chan, Ashawari Chaudhuri, Dongxin Zou, Liz Chee, Gregory Bankoff, Simon Marvin, Madlen Kobi, Danny Marks, Aalok Khandekar & Nausheen Anwar
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Chinese Epigraphy of Singapore: 1911–2019 and Chinese Epigraphy of Singapore: United Temples

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean, Hue Guan Thye, Caroline Chia & Xue Yiran
Funding Agency: The Singapore Chinese Cultural Centre
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Understanding Neighbourhood Experiences in HDB Estates

PI & Co-PI(s): Ho Kong Chong
Funding Agency: Ministry of National Development
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Migrants in Global Cities: Experiences from Asia, The Gulf and Beyond

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh & Delphine Pagès-El Karoui
Funding Agency: Merlion Programme & National University of Singapore
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Mapping the Southern Islands’ Heritage Landscapes: Integrating Culture and Nature in Heritage Conservation

PI & Co-PI(s): Hamzah Muzaini, Creighton Connolly, Rita Padawangi, Sonia Yue Chuen Lam-Knott Desmond Hok-Man Sham
Funding Agency: National Heritage Board Heritage Research Grant
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Qing Dynasty Tombs of Singapore: A Digital Archival Project

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean, Hue Guan Thye, Feng Chen-Chieh & Wang Yi-Chen
Funding Agency: National Heritage Board Heritage Research Grant
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Transnational Relations, Ageing and Care Ethics (TRACE)

PI & Co-PI(s): Elaine Lynn-Ee Ho, Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Shirlena Huang & Thang Leng Leng
Collaborator(s): Chiu Tuen Yi, Jenny
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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The Forces of Art: Perspectives from a Changing World

PI & Co-PI(s): Minna Valjakka
Funding Agency: Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development, Hivos, and the European Cultural Foundation
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Urban Gardening in East and Southeast Asia: Transformations in Perspective and Practice

PI & Co-PI(s): Ho Kong Chong
Collaborator(s): Cho Im Sik, Minna Valjakka & Fiona Williamson
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Heat in Urban Asia: Past, Present, and Future (2017)

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey, Fiona Williamson, Winston Chow, Chang Jiat-Hwee, Chris Courtney & Johnny Chan
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Making Identity Count in Asia: Identity Relations in Singapore and its Neighborhood

PI & Co-PI(s): Chong Ja Ian & Reuben Wong
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Social Science and Humanities Research Thematic Grant
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Sustainable Governance of Transboundary Environmental Commons in Southeast Asia (TECSEA)

PI & Co-PI(s): David Taylor
Collaborator(s): Jonathan Rigg, Rini Astuti, Thong Anh Tran, Roman Carrasco, Daniel Friess, Alberto Salvo, Sooyeon Kim, Miles Kenny-Lazar, Alan Tan, Helena Varkkey, Diana Suhardiman, Melissa Marschke, Louis Lebel & Carl Middleton
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Social Science and Humanities Research Thematic Grant
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Migrants in Global Cities: Experiences from Asia, the Middle East and Europe

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh & Delphine Pagès-El Karoui
Collaborator(s): Michiel Baas
Funding Agency: National University of Singapore & Université Sorbonne Paris Cité
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Intersecting Mobilities: Southeast Asia from the Perspective of Religious Circulation

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean & Kim Hui Yeon
Collaborator(s): Shanthini Pillai, Claire Tran Thi Liên, Kwanchewan Buadaeng & Bernardo Brown
Funding Agency: National University of Singapore & Université Sorbonne Paris Cité
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Internet Life & Lore in Southeast Asia: Histories, Mythologies & Materialities

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey, Connor Graham, Eric Kerr & Aieshah Arif
Collaborator(s): Celine Coderey, Crystal Abidin, Hallam Stevens, John W P Philips, Nancey Mauro-Flude, Sarah-Tabea Sammel & Song Dong Hyun
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Collective Biography of the Singapore Chinese Community (1922–1972): The Digitization and Analysis of the Bukit Brown Burial Records in the National Archives

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean, Ong Chang Woei, Koh Khee Heong & Hue Guan Thye
Funding Agency: National Heritage Board Heritage Research Grant
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Transnationalism and Diaspora: Enhancing Demography’s Contribution to Migration and Development

PI & Co-PI(s): Yan Tan, Andrew Rosser, Fei Guo & Brenda S.A. Yeoh
Funding Agency: Australian Research Council Discovery Program Grant
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Religious Elites & Mobility: Catholic Priestly Formation in South and Southeast Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Kenneth Dean & Bernardo Brown
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Folklore and Digital Technology in (South) East Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey
Collaborator(s): Connor Graham, Eric Kerr, John Phillips, Mike Fischer, Crystal Abidin & Natalie Pang
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Digital Living and Dying in (South) East Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Connor Graham, Eric Kerr, Alfred Montoya, Jolynna Sinanan & Crystal Abidin
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Rise of Progressive Cities in Asia and Europe

PI & Co-PI(s): Michael Douglass & Ho Kong Chong
Funding Agency: National University of Singapore & Université Sorbonne Paris Cité
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Religion and NGOs in Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Michael Feener, Philip Fountain, Robin Bush & Wu Keping
Funding Agency: Henry Luce Foundation
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Governing Compound Disasters in Urbanizing Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Michael Douglass & Gregory Clancey
Collaborator(s): Rita Padawangi, Michelle Ann Miller, Jerome Whitington, Eric Kerr, Robert Wasson, Caroline Brassard, Lisa Onaga, Sulfikar Amir & Earl Tyson Vaughn
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Vernacular City

PI & Co-PI(s): Michael Douglass
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Casino Mobilities: Labour Migration, Global Consumption and Regulation in Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh
Collaborator(s): Lu Melody Chia-Wen, Zhang Juan, Esther Goh & Kamalini Ramdas
Funding Agency: Humanities and Social Sciences Grant, NUS
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Aspirations, Urban Governance, and the Remaking of Asian Cities

PI & Co-PI(s): Tim Bunnell
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Natural Disasters and Governance: Enhancing Preparedness, Response and Rebuilding (Theme: Disaster Governance)

PI & Co-PI(s): Michael Douglass
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Mera Karachi Mobile Cinema (Theme: Spaces of Hope)

PI & Co-PI(s): Nausheen Hafeeza Anwar
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Religion and Gobalisation Reading Group

PI & Co-PI(s): Robin Bush, Philip Fountain & Bernardo Brown
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Religion and Development in Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Lim Khek Gee Francis, Michael Feener, Philip Fountain, Robin Bush, Wu Keping, Kyuhoon Cho & Ronojoy Sen
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Culture and Cognition

PI & Co-PI(s): Philip Cho
Funding Agency: Fetzer Franklin Trust & Asia Research Institute
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Great Migrations: Southeast Asia and New Theorizations of Global Mobilities

PI & Co-PI(s): Heng Leng Chee, Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Toyota Mika, Xiang Biao, Lu Melody Chia-Wen & Zhang Juan
Funding Agency: NUS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences & Asia Research Institute, NUS
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Asian Connections Reading Group

PI & Co-PI(s): Prasenjit Duara
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Cyber China: Making Space for Change (Theme: Spaces of Hope)

PI & Co-PI(s): Peter Marolt
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Asia’s Civil Spheres: New Media, Urban Public Space, Social Movements

PI & Co-PI(s): Peter Marolt & Rita Padawangi
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Death, Grieving and Memorialization in a Broadband-Enabled Society

PI & Co-PI(s): Martin Gibbs, Michael Arnold, Connor Graham & Tamara Kohn
Funding Agency: Institute for a Broadband Enabled Society & University of Melbourne
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Migrating Out of Poverty Research Programme Consortium

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh
Funding Agency: Department for International Development (DFID), UK, & University of Sussex
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Attitudes Toward Emigration and Perceptions of Foreign Talents in Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Leong Chan Hoong
Funding Agency: Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports
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Mapping the Technological and Cultural Landscape of Scientific Development in Asia

PI & Co-PI(s): Philip Cho
Funding Agency: Global Asia Institute, NUS & Asia Research Institute
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Asian Biopoleis: Biotech & Biomedicine as Emergent Forms of Life and Practice

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey & Ryan Bishop
Collaborator(s): Edison Liu, John Phillips. Catelijne Coopmans, John DiMoia, Axel Gelfert, Denisa Kera, Karen Winzoski, Philip Cho, Connor Graham, Alfred Montoya, Michael M. J. Fischer & Venni Venkata Krishna
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2 & Humanities and Social Sciences Seed Fund, NUS
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Wallace Online

PI & Co-PI(s): John van Wyhe
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Impacting Economy and Society: Role of Universities in Asia-Pacific

PI & Co-PI(s): Venni Venkata Krishna & Seeram Ramakrishna
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India and China: Scientific Communities to Innovation Systems

PI & Co-PI(s): Venni Venkata Krishna
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Research and Innovation Policies: India

PI & Co-PI(s): Venni Venkata Krishna
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Globalising Universities and International Student Mobilities

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Francis Collins & Ho Kong Chong
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Opening the Black Box of Migration: Brokers and the Organization of Transnational Mobility

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Xiang Biao & Johan Lindquist
Funding Agency: Swedish Foundation for International Cooperation in Research and Higher Education
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Migration, Societal and Market Transformations–Perceptions, Debates and Policies in Asia and Europe

PI & Co-PI(s): Francis Collins
Funding Agency: Asia Research Institute, NUS, and the Korea Foundation
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Networks in Practice (2009–2014)

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State Boundaries, Cultural Politics, and Gender Negotiations in Commercially Arranged International Marriages in Singapore and Malaysia

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Gavin W Jones & Heng Leng Chee
Collaborator(s): Vu Thi Kieu Dung, Lu Melody Chia-Wen, Zhang Juan & Rashidah Shuib
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Migrants Workers, English Teachers and Urban Life in Seoul: Examining the Everyday Lives of Temporary Migrants in Multicultural South Korea

PI & Co-PI(s): Francis Collins
Funding Agency: Asia Research Institute, NUS, and the Korea Foundation
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‘Talent’ Migration in and out of Asia: Challenges for Policies and Places

PI & Co-PI(s): Lai Ah Eng, Leong Chan Hoong, Brenda S.A. Yeoh & Shirlena Huang
Funding Agency: Asia Research Institute, NUS
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Investment Promotion and Local Economic Development in Indonesia

PI & Co-PI(s): Michelle Miller, Tim Bunnell & Nicholas Phelps
Funding Agency: Bartlett School of Planning, University College London
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Transnational Migration in Southeast Asia and the Health of Children Left Behind (CHAMPSEA Wave 1)

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Elspeth Graham, Paul Boyle, Chee Heng Leng & Wong Mee Lian,
Collaborator(s): Sukamdi, Maruja Asis, Aree Jampaklay, Dang N. Anh & Ian Wilson
Funding Agency: The Wellcome Trust, UK
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Transnational Care Workers, State Policies and Gender Dynamics in Ageing Societies: A Comparative Study of Singapore and Japan

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh, Toyota Mika & Shirlena Huang
Funding Agency: National University of Singapore & Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
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Life Histories of Older Women in Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Lai Ah Eng
Funding Agency: Asia Research Institute, NUS
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Female Labor Migration in Globalizing Asia: Translocal/Transnational Identities and Agencies

PI & Co-PI(s): Arianne Gaetano
Funding Agency: Asia Research Institute, NUS and Asian MetaCentre
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Singapore Tertiary Students’ Perceptions of National Identity, Overseas Exchange Program, Intention to Emigrate and Adjustment

PI & Co-PI(s): Leong Chan Hoong
Funding Agency: Singapore National Youth Council
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Antecedents of Knowledge Sharing in Culturally Diverse Groupings

PI & Co-PI(s): Leong Chan Hoong, Thomas Menkhoff, Chay Yue Wah & Hans-Dieter Evers
Funding Agency: Singapore Management University
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Islam and Social Dynamics in Indonesia: Comparative Analyses of Law, Culture, Politics and Religion since c.1998 in Three Decisive Regions (Java, Jakarta and Aceh)

PI & Co-PI(s): Merle Calvin Ricklefs, Michael Feener & Chaider S. Bamualim
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education Academic Research Fund Tier 2
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Measuring Social Distance in Plural Societies: The Singapore Case

PI & Co-PI(s): Bryan Stanley Turner & Alexius Pereira
Funding Agency: NUS Academic Research Fund
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Secularization, Religion and the State (2006–2011)

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Social Transformation in Post-Tsunami/Post-Conflict Aceh (2006–2011)

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Fabrications: Technology, Masculinity, and Architectural Modernism

PI & Co-PI(s): Gregory Clancey
Funding Agency: NUS Faculty Research Grant
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Migrant Labour in Southeast Asia (2005)

PI & Co-PI(s): Nicola Piper
Funding Agency: Friedrich Ebert Foundation (Manila)
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Education and the Transnational Family: A Study of China’s Study Mothers in Singapore

PI & Co-PI(s): Brenda S.A. Yeoh & Shirlena Huang
Funding Agency: Ministry of Education, Singapore
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Decentralization and Urban Change in Indonesia

PI & Co-PI(s): Michelle Miller & Tim Bunnell
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Decentering Nation: The New Geography of Urban and Regional Development in Indonesia

PI & Co-PI(s): Michelle Miller, Tim Bunnell & Nicholas Phelps
Funding Agency: British Academy (Association of South East Asian Studies)
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Situating Decentralization in Urban Milieux: Challenges and Opportunities of Autonomy for Urban Indonesia

PI & Co-PI(s): Michelle Miller
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Pan-Asian Sports and the Emergence of Modern Asia, 1913–1974

PI & Co-PI(s): Stefan Huebner
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